Re: [g-a-devel]Re: Re: gnopernicus 0.7.3

Thanks Jack, for your problem reports. I see that Remus has fixed the problem you report below, and also updated gnopernicus to flag the at-spi version dependency.

Problem reports, especially if they are specific, are very helpful to us in finding and fixing issues. Without the feedback from this list, the development team might not be aware of these problems for weeks or months to come, as they do not always arise in our own testing.

best regards,

- Bill

Jack Spaar wrote:

Thank you Remus, at-spi 1.3.11 was the solution.  I'm able to build and
run Gnopernicus 0.7.3 with festival now.  I did see a few errors
processing gnopernicus.schemas:

./gnopernicus.schemas:1829: error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: schema
line 1827 and schemalist </schemalist>

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