Re: [g-a-devel][Fwd: GNOME magnifier changes]


Thanks a lot for doing this work and finding areas for improvement. Generally the patch looks good, but there are a couple of things I am
concerned about.
Firstly, I'd like to see this as two patches, one for the timing-test
data only, and a subsequent patch that changes behavior and priorities
of idle handlers, etc.  That is so that we can actually benefit
immediately from the benchmark information and do before/after
comparisons on the algorithm changes you propose.

No problem.

In zoom_region_queue_update, I now add the zoom_region_process_updates
idle handler with a priority of "GDK_PRIORITY_REDRAW - 1".  This
ensures that the scaling is done before GTK updates the screen, which
(if my understanding is correct) will ensure that the update refreshes
the screen with the most current data, rather than from the data from
the last iteration of the loop.  This seems, to my eyeball, to make the
magnifier look

My initial reaction is that this is not correct.  Process_updates should
never block a gtk update; the objective is to make panning response
maximally responsive, and to update the screen later.

Okay, I'll change that.

The other performance-related changes look good.

I would prefer to see some summary output in the --timing-output
results; could you give min/max/average values for things like scrolling
time, frames-per-second in scrolling mode, and pixels-moved-per-second ?

I can easily add scrolling time summary results.  However, I am not sure
exactly what you mean by certain terms.  Perhaps you can help me relate
them to the code.

It seems that for every cycle it generally does a single Scroll Idle
and two Zoom Regions.  The Scroll Idle, I believe corresponds to the
updating of the screen.  And the two Zoom Region corresponds to the
two calls to zoom_region_queue_update that get called from
zoom_region_scroll.  I assume one is to pull the new region on the
x-axis and the other for the y-axis.

So, when you ask for "scroll time", I believe that you mean the
Scroll Idle time, or perhaps you mean Scroll Idle + First Zoom
Region + Second Zoom Region?

I am not sure what you mean by "frames per second" since I believe the
updates are controlled by the -r command-line argument, which is a
constant - unless you just want "1/Scroll Idle" or
"1/(Scroll Idle + First Zoom Region + Second Zoom Region)".

I also am not exactly sure what you want for "pixels-moved-per-second".
zoom_region_scroll is called with dx and dy.  So, is the number of
pixels-moved-per-frame (dx * expose_rect_v) + (dy * expose_rect_h)
and pixels-moved-per-second would just be the average
pixels-moved-per-frame / scroll time

Am I on the right track here, or do you want something else?

That said, this work is enormously helpful and I can hardly wait to get
the timing test information into cvs.  I also am very much looking
forward to benchmarking the individual performance changes; however I
would prefer that the initial patches do not change the process_updates
versus gdk_expose processing order.

Okay.  I'll provide the patch once I better understand exactly what
timing statistics you want.



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