Re: [g-a-devel]SIGSEGV at bonobo-dock-item-grip.c:202

Please log a bug against bonobo/libbonoboui and make sure I am on the Cc list.

When the crash occurs does grip have the value of NULL?
If so, I think that there is an easy fix.


> Bonsoir,
> Not sure if I should fill a bug report, because I learnt that my bugs 
> could kill other apps :-(
> Does anybody here have tips on how to track at-spi related bugs ?
> I'm tracking eog and it segfaults when I close the app.
> I think it's while receiving an 
> "object:property-change:accessible-name"
> of a dying Accessible. I might be taking to much time to retrieve the 
> "Actions"
> <wild gess>
> 	AccessibleAction* action=Accessible_getAction(acc.legacyPtr());
> 	long nbActions=AccessibleAction_getNActions(action);
> 	actionNames_.reserve(nbActions);
> 	actionDescriptions_.reserve(nbActions);
> 	actionKeyBindings_.reserve(nbActions);
> 	for(long i=0; i<nbActions; ++i){
> 	  actionNames_.push_back(get_string(action, AccessibleAction_getName, 
> i));
> 	  actionDescriptions_.push_back(get_string(action, 
> AccessibleAction_getDescription, i));
> 	  actionKeyBindings_.push_back(get_string(action, 
> AccessibleAction_getKeyBinding, i));
> 	}
>       AccessibleAction_unref(action); 
>       }
> </wild guess>
> It's hard to be sure, because eog segfault, not my app :-(
> Now, I am ready to accept help because I am, at last, running CVS 
> Gnome compiled with debug symbols, so I can give meaningful debug 
> info.
> Any help greatly appreciated !
> Bernard
> PS: attached backtrace  of eog 

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