Re: [g-a-devel]Gnome-speech and the callbacks

Hi Draghi,

	Just noticed this thread;

On Thu, 2003-01-16 at 15:21, Draghi Puterity wrote:
> Well, for some reasons it doesn't work for me, GS events are not comming and
> calling bonobo_main is not an option because it is blocking.. Could you
> please try this in one of the AT-SPI demo programs and send me some working
> code? It would help me a lot.

	The first step is to ensure that you have build ORBit2 with
--enable-debug, and exported ORBIT2_DEBUG=traces, and ensured that there
is in fact valid traffic flying around from A to B.

	The 2nd is to check that you are not getting exceptions fired on

	The 3rd is to check that you are registering the CORBA interface of an
associated bonobo object; ie.

	GNOME_Speech_register (registry, BONOBO_OBJREF (impl_obj), ev);

	instead of passing 'impl_obj' itself - which would cause acute problems

> If this is not the way it is done with bonobo, I will do what I need on
> my side.

	Don't. Please stop and think before adding yet another redundant (and
broken) level of abstraction to gnopernicus. Why do you need to
associate more data with the client ?

	Why can you not simply tie that data to the BonoboObject that
implements the listener and emit a GObject signal on that ? what do you
hope to add by adding another layer of wrapping ? in fact it seems to me
that you need to substantially bin the existing speech API / abstraction
in favour of a cleaner one - could this be it ? :-)

	I'd be interested in your design document / thoughts if you're knocking
one up - it'd be great to have this really clean / polished in



 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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