Re: [g-a-devel]New revision of gnome-speech IDL

On Fri, 2002-05-03 at 00:31, Marc Mulcahy wrote:
> Hi all:
> Here's a new revision of the gnome-speech SynthesisDriver idl which 
> incorporates the changes which Draghi and I spoke about while I was in Germany.
> This proposes a new generic way of handling parameters like pitch, rate, 
> volume, etc.
> Comments welcome!

Hi Marc:

This looks great, except that I am concerned about the use of Any in the
Parameter struct.  It would seem to me that this would make dynamic
discovery/reflection difficult.

I would like to get Michael's input on whether BonoboPropertyBag can be
reused here, or whether a similar construction could be used for
(potentially bounded) values which would permit more relection



> Marc

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