[g-a-devel]Accessibility support for Gsearchtool. Please comment.


I am trying to make Gsearchtool accessible. I intend to do the following
to make it accessible. 

1) On the 'Simple' notebook page
        a) Accessible name/description to the gnome-entry with label
           'Find files named'.
        b) AtkRelation between the gnome-entry and label 'Find files
        c) Accessible Description for 'Find' and 'Stop' buttons.

Doubt:  The GtkTreeView under the results frame, does not show
        name/description for the column titles. Their accessible role is
        push-button. Do we need to give accessible name/descriptions to 
        them.?? Each column is created with a call to function
        gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes. Is it possible to get
        accessible object for the column title.??

2) In the 'Advanced' notebook page
        a) accessible name/description to the gnome-entry with label
           'Starting in folder'.
        b) AtkRelation between gnome-entry and label 'Starting in
        c) AtkRelation between the Label & GtkEntry that are added in
           Rules box. As the user keeps adding rules, a label with rule
           description and an entry gets created. So a relation should
           established between them dynamically.
        d) AtkRelation between the label 'Add Rule' and the
        e) Accessible Description for 'Add', 'Find' and 'Stop' buttons.
        f) Accessible Description for the 'Remove' button that is added
           the Rules box
        g) Add a mnemonic to 'Enable' check button.

3) AtkRelation between the label 'Command' and the entry box in the
   'Show Command Line'
4) Accessible description to the 'Simple' and 'Advanced' notebook pages.

Please comment on the above.

Thanks and regards,

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