[g-a-devel]Accessibility for gperfmeter Setup Dialog & Custom Widget.]


Thanks for pointing out the right direction to implementing ATK for the
gperfmeter main window. I will mail my response on that soon.

I would also like your comments on the accessibility changes that I plan
to add to the preferences set up dialog and the ColorPicker custom
widget in the gperfmeter.

Preferences Setup Dialog is built using Glade. In terms of
accessibility, requires some tooltips and Atk Relations for label/widget
pairs where the label describes the widget. I would like clarifications
on the following,

1. The following 3 widgets together is used to enter the sampling

<Gtklabel>"Sample Every:" 
<GtkSpinButton>[1 to 99] 
<GtkOptionMenu> [Seconds/minutes/hours]

One Atk Relation would be the Label describing both the GtkSpinButton &
the GtkOptionMenu - LABELLED_BY/LABEL_FOR. Additionally, would relating
the GtkSpinButton & the GtkOptionMenu in "ATK_RELATION_MEMBER_OF"
AtkRelation be ok?

2. With the following 4 widgets config info can be set for each meter,

<GtkEntry>(to set threshold level)
<ColorPicker Widget> "below Threshold"
<ColorPicker Widget> "Above Threshold"

They could all be members (ATK_RELATION_MEMBER_OF) in a relation set.
Does this seem ok?

3. ColorPicker Custom Widget has GtkButton as Parent Class. This widget
opens up a color palette for selection. A button press on a color will
mark the color selected and set it up for preview.

Since a color can be selected, would implementing AtkSelection be ok? 

Please help me on this.


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