[g-a-devel]Atktext for GtkHex Custom Widget.


I am looking at providing accessibility for Ghex. This application has
the following custom widget,

Custom Widget : gtkhex
Parent Class : GtkFixedClass

gtkhex is the widget that is rendered on the main screen of the
application when a file is opened. The hierarchy is as follows,

   -> GtkHex

The address offset, the Hex dump & the ASCII format of the selected file
is loaded into the three drawing areas. The Hex dump & ASCII format form
the editor.

Apart from providing ATK relation between the drawing areas, I think
AtkText & AtkEditableText needs to be implemented here.

I am not clear at what level in the hierarchy I need to implement these

I thought I could do that at the GtkDrawing area level. But, from Bill's
response to Stock Ticker applet accessibility, I have the following

1. One approach is to implement AtkText on the GtkDrawingArea using a
new subclass. But this would mean substantial changes to the application
code where we need to provide separate initialization functions
(class_init, get_type etc) for the new subclass.

2. The other approach possibly is to override the get_accesible() method
of the GtkDrawingArea? In this case too, a new subclass and a factory
would be required. Am I right or is there a way to do this without using
a new subclass and also not affecting other GtkDrawingAreas?

Or is there another method I am unaware of? Please help me out on this.


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