[g-a-devel]Another questions on nsIAccessibleHyperLink

Hi, Bill
Sorry, another question to bother u ;-) .
If there is image html element like
<map name=m>
<area coords="0,0,60,52" href=r/f1>
<area coords="61,0,130,52" href=r/p1>
<area coords="131,0,210,52" href=r/m1>
<area coords="450,0,530,52" href=r/wn>
<area coords="531,0,605,52" href=r/i1>
<area coords="606,0,668,52" href=r/hw>

<img width=668 height=53 border=0 usemap="#m" src=imagemap.gif alt=Yahoo>
it is a hyperlink with six anchors.
When ATs want to getObject(anchorIndex), which object should I return?
The AtkImage for "<img src=imagemap.gif alt=Yahoo>" or a Atk object for the area according to the anchor index ?
I prefer the latter. Could u tell me what ATs prefer and your suggestions?

Best regards & Thanks


Gilbert Fang
Software Engineer
Sun China Engineering & Research Institute
Beijing ,P.R.China
Tel : +86-10-82618200 ext. 82821
Mobile : +86-13910776725
Email : gilbert fang sun com

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