[g-a-devel]Accessibility for cdplayer applet


I have been looking at providing accessibility support for cd-player

All the buttons and track info are packed inside a box. Buttons already
have tooltips. 

Accessible name and description has to be set for gtk-buttons. The track
information and time elapsed is displayed using
gkt_image_new_from_pixbuf. Now i could set up the accessible name and
description for these 2 images. But the gtk-image here does not react to
state change. So ferret does not report this widget. But considering an
AT would get to the atk object by traversing the tree of accessible
objects, i could do away with this implementation. 

The properties box has a disk image. I would set the accessible name and
description for this. 

For the label and entry box in the properties box i would set up

A tooltip for the cd-player applet is required.

Please comment on the above.


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