Re: [g-a-devel]AccessibleEvent

On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 15:11, Padraig O'Briain wrote:
> Do we need to add a field to the AccessibleEvent data structure corresponding to 
> the any_data field of the Accessbility_Event data structure?

No; we wanted to both maintain bincompat for at-spi, and make the CORBA
stuff opaque to cspi (since that was a primary reason for writing cspi

We have InternalEvent which is private, and this is where the 'any' from
the Accessibility_Event structure is referenced.  So rather than
tempting clients to do nasty casting and poking into this data
structure, we have accessor functions for the various types of events
which return appropriate data from the 'any'; for instance

  AccessibleChildChangedEvent_getChildAccessible (AccessibleEvent *e)

We also must provide AccessibleEvent_ref() and _unref() so that clients
can persist the AccessibleEvents (including the private data) in a safe
way, in case they want to call the accessors outside of the event
emission itself.


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