Re: GNOME2 report because this is the new trend (fwd)

On 22 Jun 2001, Martin Baulig wrote:

> > /tmp instead of /home/martin/work :>> It could also display a note at
> > startup: `please copy a valid .desktop file to /tmp/test.desktop before
> > running this'.
> Good idea. It also needs some general polishing and finishing.

I take this as a `go on and fix it when you get the time' :)

> > doesn't close it. I suppose the following code in gnome-about is supposed
> > to make that button active:
> > 	gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (about),
> > 			       GTK_STOCK_OK,
> > 			       GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
> > Whoever ported gnome-about to the new GTK dialog and stock system could
> > maybe comment on why this is not working?
> That was me. What's wrong with the code, I'm not so familar with GtkDialog ?

I'm not saying there is something wrong with this code, but clicking OK
doesn't work.

> > BTW, there was no real decision (or even a moderate discussion) about
> > replacing gnoem-about. Does that mean we are stuck with the current one
> > for G2? In that case, I suppose I should fix it... (author rendering (with
> > clickable email addresses) are mising).
> Can you ask andersca how his new GnomeAbout is going ?


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