Switching to ORBit2 .... ?

Hi guys,

this afternoon, I spent some time trying to port ORBit-martin-forked
to the new ORBit2 API, especially the DynAny stuff. After playing
around with this stuff, I realized that this'd be a whole lot of work
since ORBit-martin-forked's IDL compiler doesn't support PIDL.

So, for the moment, we need to keep these ugly ORBit conditionals in
libbonobo(ui) and libgnome(ui).

However, it looks like ORBit2 is now under active development and
getting more and more stable. So what about completely switching to
ORBit2 ?

Btw. if you're using vicious-build-scripts, there's now a new
`gnome-test' environment which uses ORBit2:

    $ . ~/bin/gnome-test
    $ CVSUSER=<whatever> bootstrap.sh
    $ rebuild.sh

and you'll get a GNOME 2 with ORBit2 in /gnome/test.

Martin Baulig
martin gnome org (private)
baulig suse de (work)

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