ORBit2 / linc non-blocking API: change request

Hi Guys,

	So - in response to the problem of Gconf blocking and causing all
subsequent gconf requests to block when a single client stops responding
[ a not altogether unexpected occurence ] - I've written a chunk of code
in linc to do explicit buffering, and a capability to sever a connection
that appears to be not responding ( based on the size of the buffer in
bytes ). I think the combination is neccessary for Gnome 2.0 to be
workable - however it introduces some API additions:
In the ORB we add:

Index: include/orbit/orb-core/orbit-small.h
+typedef struct _ORBitConnection ORBitConnection;
+ORBitConnection *ORBit_small_get_connection      (CORBA_Object    obj);
+void             ORBit_connection_set_max_buffer (ORBitConnection *cnx,
+						   gulong max_bytes);

	The LINC API is also altered in an somewhat more drastic ( but long
term helpful ) fashion. This shouldn't really be a problem, since ORBit2
is the only known user of the linc API - which it conceals from the user

	So - I'd like to get this approved from an API review POV so we can
address the issue in gconf ASAP. The linc changes follow,



Index: include/linc/linc-connection.h
+typedef struct _LINCWriteOpts         LINCWriteOpts;

 	/* signals */
 	void     (* broken)        (LINCConnection      *cnx);
+	/*
+	 * Emitted when the buffer is emptied, half full or
+	 * before disconnect
+	 */
+	void     (* blocking)      (LINCConnection      *cnx,
+				    gulong               buffer_size);
 } LINCConnectionClass;
 GType    linc_connection_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+typedef enum {
+	LINC_IO_OK = 0,
+} LINCIOStatus;
-int      linc_connection_write    (LINCConnection *cnx, const guchar
*buf, gulong len);
+LINCIOStatus linc_connection_write    (LINCConnection       *cnx,
+				       const guchar         *buf,
+				       gulong                len,
+				       const LINCWriteOpts  *opt_write_opts);
+LINCIOStatus linc_connection_writev   (LINCConnection       *cnx,
+				       struct iovec         *vecs,
+				       int                   nvecs,
+				       const LINCWriteOpts  *opt_write_opts);
-int      linc_connection_writev   (LINCConnection *cnx, struct iovec
-				   int nvecs, gulong total_size);
+void           linc_connection_set_max_buffer    (LINCConnection *cnx,
+						  gulong          max_buffer_bytes);
+LINCWriteOpts *linc_write_options_new            (gboolean       
+/* Space for future expansion: timeout, individual msg. buffering
constraints etc. */
+void           linc_write_options_free           (LINCWriteOpts 

Index: include/linc/linc-types.h
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/linc/include/linc/linc-types.h,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -p -u -r1.22 linc-types.h
--- include/linc/linc-types.h	2001/11/18 10:55:08	1.22
+++ include/linc/linc-types.h	2001/12/28 10:30:42
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@
 typedef enum {
 	LINC_CONNECTION_SSL          = 1 << 0,
 } LINCConnectionOptions;

 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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