libgnome* bullshit

This libgnome* commit war is really depressing.  It is holding up
development work that depends on the library.

Under Martin's maintainership, there was a well defined list of issues
needing to be solved and a good idea of what the libraries would look like
when it goes stable.

Under Anders' maintainership, there was a well defined list of issues
needing to be solved and a good idea of what the libraries would look like
when it goes stable.

As it stands at the moment, it is not clear which version of the library
will `win'.

I don't really see any point to working on the gnome support in libglade
if I don't know what the API is going to turn out like.  Porting Nautilus
over at this point sounds like it would be more trouble than its worth.

Reverting people's changes without any discussion doesn't help this.  It
adds to perceived instability, no matter which vision for libgnome*
prevails, which is reason enough not to build things that depend on them

Hopefully this can all be sorted out quickly.


Email: james daa com au

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