gedit 0.9.5: configure fails with gnome-vfs 1.0


The version on gedit in gnome-fifth-toe-1.4rc1 is not compatible with gnome-vfs in gnome-1.4rc1.

The configure script in gedit-0.9.5 looks for gnome-vfs 0.5.0, but the test doesn't work with gnome-vfs 1.0.

This is the test used in configure:
    gnome-config --modversion vfs | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "."; } { printf "%d", ($1 * 1000 + $2) * 1000 + $3;}'

It work well for modversions like "gnome-vfs-", but it results in "0" for "gnome-vfs-0.1".



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