RESEND: Fifth Toe Beta2 Packages due February 26!

I thought I'd resend this to the mailing list just in case anyone
didn't make it on my email list and is lurking around here.

Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 10:56:37 -0600 (CST)
From: Jamin Philip Gray <jgray writeme com>
To: Fifth Toe Package Maintainers <Alan Cox linux org>, alan redhat com,
    bapm netcabo point, cactus cactus rulez org, chema celorio com,
    chicane reninet com, devel gnumatic com, george gmsys com,
    james daa com au, jconneely figaro org, jens eknif de,
    jgoldberg home com, jirka 5z com, jpaint balsa net, julian jabber org,
    jwise pathwaynet com, kh_naba yahoo com, lauris kaplinski com,
    majix sci fi, merlin merlin org, mpeseng tin it, otaylor redhat com,
    pan superpimp org, ph_roy toutdoux org, R J Hogan reading ac uk,
    rodrigo gnome-db org, stang users sourceforge net, trow gnu org,
    yosh gimp org
Cc: itp ximian com
Subject: Fifth Toe Packages for Beta2 Due February 26th!!!

You are receiving this email because you are a maintainer of a package
that was included in the Gnome 1.4beta1 Fifth Toe release.  Beta2 is
just around the corner.  We've got a deadline of February 26th to get
your packages in.  What you need to do is email me a URL or location
on where I can find the tarball release of your package.
During the Beta1 release process one of the problems Ian Peters and I
had was a lack of packages being given to us.  I was forced at the
last minute to go to about 21 different web sites to grab tarballs
just so we'd have a complete release.  This is your chance to correct
this problem.  Even if you don't have a new release from what was
included in Beta1, a short email letting me know this would be
appreciated.  We will likely be dropping packages from the Fifth Toe
set if maintainers are unwilling to work with us to release packages.
If you want your package to stay in the Fifth Toe, now's your chance.

If you would like your package removed, also let me know that. 

You can find me (from time to time) hanging out in #gnome and
#nautilus on gimpnet with the nick Jamin.  Feel free to talk with itp
(Ian Peters) as well regarding Fifth Toe questions.  

Let's make Beta2 a better release.



name:    Jamin Philip Gray
email:   jgray writeme com
icq:     1361499
jabber:  jamin jabber com

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; 
that is where they should be.  Now put foundations under them.

--Henry David Thoreau

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