Re: about RedCarpet

> I've tried Red Carpet :
> why cant we choose the 1.4 extras apps on the gnome 1.4 beta channel ?

Because No one (including Ximian) has released binaries of Gnome 1.4
Fifth Toe Beta1 yet.  I don't know what Ximian's plans are regarding
this, You have a couple choices right now:  a) grab the tarballs off a
gnome mirror or b) grab binaries in various places on the web for the
individual apps.  There isn't a central place yet to get all the
binaries of the Fifth Toe apps.  

If anyone has tested the Fifth Toe apps, I'd love to hear feedback.
The set of applications will change in the next beta.  One of the
biggest factors will be weeding out applications based on developers
willingness to work with the release team (in terms of giving us
tarballs of the release in a timely fashion, keeping the project
maintained, etc.).  But there are other factors too, such as the "Does
it suck" factor, etc.  

name:    Jamin Philip Gray
email:   jgray writeme com
icq:     1361499
jabber:  jamin jabber com

You cannot reach them. We tried once, yes, precious. I tried once;
but you cannot reach them. Only shapes to see, perhaps, not to touch.
No precious! All dead.


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