[gnet] GNet CVS has moved to Subversion

Hi everyone, and a Happy New Year!

just a quick note for those that don't know it yet, GNOME has moved from
CVS to Subversion (SVN) for its source code repository versioning needs,
and since GNet was hosted on cvs.gnome.org, it has also been moved over
to svn.gnome.org (yay!).

The old CVS repository has been changed to read-only mode, so there will
be no more updates there.

You can check out a current GNet tree from SVN like this (read-only

  svn co http://svn.gnome.org/svn/gnet/trunk gnet

and update it with

  svn up

(from within the gnet/ directory).

If you have made local changes,

  svn status


  svn diff

will show which files are changed locally, and the changes.

More information on Subversion can be found here:


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