[gnet-devel] Failure to IP resolv


I am using the library gnet in architecture 64bit's under a s390x, but
I have many failures.

The most serious bug is that it is unable to resolve the IP origin of
a connection.

The form is compiling "./configure --enable-network-tests=yes" and
"make". Then I go to the examples directory and run the server and
client and even if there is no connection detects the IP source. This
is what I do under the i386 architecture and works perfectly.

The version gnet that use is 2.0.7 under Suse SLES 10 for s390x.

An example of what's happening in s390x is:
cgdsim01:~/gnet-2.0.7/examples# ./echoserver 150
  Normal echoserver running on (null):0
  Accepted connection from (null):512
  Connection from (null):512 closed

And under i386 ...
pangea:/gnet-2.0.7/examples# ./echoserver 150
  Normal echoserver running on :::150
  Accepted connection from ::ffff:
  Connection from ::ffff: closed
  Accepted connection from ::ffff:
  Connection from ::ffff: closed

Any idea?

A greeting,


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