Re: [gnet] Gnet-2.0.7 and win32

There is no problem with gnet for linux nor for

The key to TCP/IP communication is that each
communicating entity have to know the sign to stop
reading and then start writing, and vice versa.

echoclient knows that when it receives newline, it
will echo the line to its console. It is not the case
with netcat. 
I think your netcat for windows was not run in
LINEMODE, so it will echo every character immediately
after the character received, and then waiting for
another character.
So even if you have typed newline from your
echoclient,the netcat receiving the newline just echo
it and then waiting for another character to be
When you typed text in netcat console, actually it was
still in reading mode, blocked expecting another
When you sent ctrl-C to netcat, eventually the netcat 
knowed that nothing to be read anymore, it quited
blocking, found some chars in stdin need to be sent,
and then it sent the chars, and then stop the
Hope this can help.



--- Albert Veli <albert veli biosensor se> wrote:
> Dear gnet list,
> I'm trying to use libgnet-2.0.7 (and GTK+-2.4) for a
> GUI program.
> Without going into too much detail, the GUI
> basically opens a TCP
> connection to a server and starts reading and
> writing ascii-text
> lines to/from it.
> This works good when the GUI client runs on Linux,
> but on win32
> I run into problems..

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