[gnet-dev] Possible Memory Leak


I think there is a memory leak somewhere.  I made the following
observations with the program below.

o When I comment out the gnet_server_new line, the memory consumption
drops by 8.
o When I comment out the gnet_conn_set_watch_error line, the memory
stays constant, no matter how many clients connect.
o With the code exactly as below, the memory increases by 8 for each
_concurrent_ client (see the maximum variable).
o When a gnet conn client is connected and properly destroyed, it needs
8 bytes more than when it fails to connect (program not shown).

So is there a leak in my code, or in gnet (unlikely, looking at its nice
cleanup code) or in glib (probably somewhere in the watch/source stuff?


#include <gnet.h>

static int          clients = 0, maximum = 0;

static gboolean
timeout_quit (gpointer data)
  GMainLoop        *loop = data;

  if (clients == 0)
      g_main_loop_quit (loop);
      return FALSE;
      return TRUE;

static gboolean
conn_delete (gpointer data)
  GConn            *conn = data;

  g_message ("Delete connection, now %d", clients);
  gnet_conn_delete (conn);
  return FALSE;

static void
server_accept (GServer *s, GConn *conn, gpointer data)
  if (!conn)
      g_error ("Server error");

  if (clients > maximum)
      maximum = clients;
  g_message ("Accept connection, now %d", clients);
  gnet_conn_set_watch_error (conn, TRUE);
  g_timeout_add (1000, conn_delete, conn);

main (int argc, char **argv)
  GMainLoop        *loop = NULL;
  GServer          *s = NULL;
  g_mem_set_vtable (glib_mem_profiler_table);

  loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
  g_timeout_add (3000, timeout_quit, loop);

  s = gnet_server_new (NULL, 33333, server_accept, NULL);
  if (!s)
      g_error ("Server create");
  g_main_loop_run (loop);
  g_assert (clients == 0);
  g_message ("Maximum of %d concurrent client(s)", maximum);

  g_main_loop_unref (loop);
  if (s)
      gnet_server_delete (s);
  g_mem_profile ();
  return 0;

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