Re: [gnet] Hammering a TCP socket

On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 15:33 +0200, Tim Fulcher - Clickatell wrote:
> I've worked my way though most of the TCP examples and found that when
> I try and push a lot of data into a socket the examples will eat up a
> lot of, what I assume to be fille descriptors. Given enough time the
> app will crash when its exhausted all the available descriptors. When
> I do a netstat, this is what I get. 
> tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:58549 localhost.localdom:7500
> tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:58548 localhost.localdom:7500
> tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:58551 localhost.localdom:7500
> (snip) 

This shouldn't be related to how much data you push. Each of those
netstat lines represents a TCP client connection on localhost to a
server on localhost port 7500. 

Why there are that many client connections I don't know, maybe you just
ran echoclient 20 times in a row or so? Which of the example programs do
you use to reproduce this? (and how exactly?)


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