[gnet-dev] Request for Comments: GConnHttp


I've written some code to perform simple http POST/GET operations using a GNet 
GConn. So far it seems to work quite okay, but it hasn't been extensively 
tested, nor has HTTP/1.1-compliance been checked thoroughly. 

Basically I would like to get some comments on the API at this point. 

Some notes:

 * I was aiming for a minimal API. Currently, the shortest way to retrieve a
    file goes like this (without much error checking):

	httpconn = gnet_conn_http_new();
	gnet_conn_http_set_uri (httpconn, "http://www.google.com";);
	if (gnet_conn_http_run (httpconn, NULL,NULL))
		if (gnet_conn_http_steal_buffer(httpconn, &buf, &len))
			g_print("Retrieved %u bytes:\n%s\n", len, buf);

* Rather than going for a trizillion _get functions I decided to use a
   callback mechanism (which is optional) with event-dependent 
   event structs similar to how the GdkEvent stuff works. Arguably
   this might be a bit overdone, but I find it more convenient and
   easier to expand than having loads of _get functions. Also, it 
   resembles how GConn and much else of the GNet API works.

* I decided not to 'derive' explicitely from GConn, but keep the 
   GConnHttp structure opaque. I don't see a reason why people
   would need to mess with the underlying GConn, so hiding it
   completely seems best to me.

* The namespace is a bit awkward, but still better than creating
   confusion by clashing with the (abandoned?) ghttp library namespace.

Attached some code including a test program. Set verbose to TRUE in main() to 
get a better idea what's happening.

Currently supported:
   * GET method
   * POST method
   * automatic redirections
   * persistent connections
   * chunked transfer-encoding

   * support for http proxies
   * authentication support
   * checking for HTTP/1.1 standard compliance (or even 1.0 really)

Any comments would be much appreciated.




Attachment: gnet-conn-http-0.1.tar.gz
Description: application/tgz

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