Re: [gnet-dev] Re: Glib win32 iochannels update

Yes, in 1.1.  In 2.0, only one watch is used.

Yes, if you select on all conditions, it will frequently return with
writable.  But that's ok if G_IO_IN is set.  Can you look at all watches,
merge the conditions together, select on that, and then figure out which
watches should be called?  Is there a thread per iochannel or a thread per


On Wed, 14 May 2003 Andrewlanoix aol com wrote:

> David,
> In ob_server_func(), gnet_conn_readline() calls
> gnet_io_channel_readline_async() which creates the first watch on the
> socket with G_IO_IN.
> The second watch is created by send_to() with gnet_conn_write() which
> calls gnet_io_channel_write_async() which does the G_IO_OUT watch.
> send_to() is called by the first callback.
> I don't know what goes on in *nix but the windows problem is isolated
> to giowin32.c. socket iochannels on win32 are implemented as one win32
> specific thread per socket inochannel.
> If I do a select on all conditions, won't it almost always return with
> saying it can write to the socket?
> Where do we go from here?
> Andy
> In a message dated 5/13/2003 10:50:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, dhelder umich edu writes:
> >
> >
> > On Tue, 13 May 2003 Andrewlanoix aol com wrote:
> > > I have discovered what the problem is, or at least the first problem.
> > > There is an issue with the way the socket threads in glib on win32 are
> > > synchronized when you add a second watch to the iochannel.
> > >
> > > Basically the code checks to see what conditions to look for, G_IO_IN
> > > etc across all watches and then does a select() call which goes to
> > > sleep on those conditions. It does not wake up until one of those
> > > conditions is met. This means that if you do a G_IO_IN, followed by a
> > > G_IO_OUT g_io_add_watch() call, the second will not happen until the
> > > first call happens on that socket.
> >
> > Ugh.  Multiple watches on a single IOChannel causes problems in Linux too.
> > Is this problem with the core GLib code or just with the Win32 specific
> > code?
> >
> > > The simple fix to this problem is to have a timeout on the select()
> > > call. When the timeout occurs do a continue; to restart the loop to
> > > reload the conditions to select() on. However, I do not know what a
> > > reasonable timeout should be. I am going to talk to David and
> > > investigate other options.
> >
> > Will that work?  The best solution would be to select on all the
> > conditions in first place.

David Helder - dhelder umich edu - <>

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