Re: [gnet-dev] ghttp for gnet ?


>A related but more fundamental question: Do we want protocol
>implementations on top of gnet to be standalone packages or would it
>not make sense to have a single gnet package which comes with a bunch
>of protocol implementations (naturally maintained by different

i have the same problem in the perl world :(.

implementing ssl requires some internal changes 
to at least io_channel so this and a GSslSocket 
should go into gnet_main.

>As a user of gnet, I would prefer if all the good stuff comes in one
>package which is consistent and works out of the box rather than
>having to pick up several gnet-based protocol implementations that
>potentially over time require different gnet versions to work.

exactly my mindset.

question: would this include your gsnmp ?

  __              _ 
 / _|_ __ ___  __| | ___    unix, linux, freebsd
| |_| '__/ _ \/ _` |/ _ \   jpeg, png, gif, ppm
|  _| | |  __/ (_| | (_) |  apache, perl, php, mysql 
|_| |_|  \___|\__,_|\___/   pdf, ps, abw, html, pod

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