[gnet-dev] gnet updates

* I meddled with gnet-config more.  I think it's cleaner.  Let me know if
I broke any installations.  It works on my machine, but I'll try my pool
next week.

* New "experimental" API:

void gnet_tcp_socket_server_accept_async (GTcpSocket* socket,
					  GTcpSocketAcceptFunc accept_func,
					  gpointer user_data);
void gnet_tcp_socket_server_accept_async_cancel (GTcpSocket* socket);

accept_func is called when the server gets a new client.  The "old way"
was to set a read watch on the server's iochannel.  However, it seemed to
hard to get this working with SOCKS, so I added the new API.  If you ever
want SOCKS5 server support, use the new API.  SOCKS server support is
really, really weird.

* Marius is now going to test and debug the SOCKS changes I made and then
we should finally be ready to release 1.1.1.  I am going to stop
distributing my own .deb since a real debian developer is packaging gnet
now.  I don't know when Windows 1.1.1 would be ready.

* Tip of the day:  When you call g_assert(func()) and assertions are
disabled, func() isn't called.  This was the source of several bugs in the
server/conn code and had me banging my head against the wall for many


      __          _    __ David Helder - dhelder umich edu
  ___/ /__ __  __(_)__/ / <http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~dhelder>
 / _  / _ `/ |/ / / _  /  Jungle Monkey: <http://www.junglemonkey.net>
 |_,_/|_,_/|___/_/|_,_/   Paper CD Case: <http://www.papercdcase.com>

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