[gnet] examples.


  I just want to try the gnet library for our project. However I had some
troubles while compiling  the examples - due to  bad path specification

(it is a little bit long )

 I compiled gnet  with

export PATH=$PATH:/xtr/pkgconfig/bin/
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/xtr/glib-2.0.1/lib/pkgconfig
./configure --prefix=/xtr/gnet-1.1.2 --enable-glib2 --enable-debug=yes
make install

cd examples
export  PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/xtr/glib-2.0.1/lib/pkgconfig:/xtr/gnet-1.1.2/lib/pkgconfig

and then:
[neuron]<14:30><~/d/gnet-1.1.2/examples>gcc -g -Wall  -DGNET_EXPERIMENTAL=1 echoserver.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs gnet`
echoserver.c:24: gnet/gnet.h: No such file or directory

[neuron]<14:32><~/d/gnet-1.1.2/examples>pkg-config --cflags  gnet
-D_REENTRANT -I/xtr/gnet-1.1.2/include/gnet
-I/xtr/glib-2.0.1/include/glib-2.0 -I/xtr/glib-2.0.1/lib/glib-2.0/include

well I added a line with -I/xtr/gnet-1.1.2/include/ to the gcc's command
[neuron]<14:33><~/d/gnet-1.1.2/examples>gcc -g -Wall
-DGNET_EXPERIMENTAL=1 echoserver.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs gnet` -I/xtr/gnet-1.1.2/include/
In file included from echoserver.c:24:
/xtr/gnet-1.1.2/include/gnet/gnet.h:26: gnetconfig.h: No such file or
In file included from /xtr/gnet-1.1.2/include/gnet/gnet.h:36,
                 from echoserver.c:24:
/xtr/gnet-1.1.2/include/gnet/server.h:28: gnetconfig.h: No such file or

so the gnet.h has been found , not so gnetconfig.h . found it in
[neuron]<14:34><~/d/gnet-1.1.2/examples>find /xtr/gnet-1.1.2 -name "gnetconfig.h"

But why is it in the lib/gnet/include and not in  include/gnet ?

no problem  I added  the path to the -I

gcc -g -Wall  -DGNET_EXPERIMENTAL=1 echoserver.c `pkg-config --cflags
--libs gnet` -I/xtr/gnet-1.1.2/include/ -I/xtr/gnet-1.1.2/lib/gnet/include/

and everything is ok :) som maybe you should  fix the paths as well as
Makefile  in examples,  in the next release, please :)



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http://neuron-ai.tuke.sk/~hudecm , http://poprad.fei.tuke.sk/~hudecm
e-mail: hudecm neuron-ai tuke sk or hudecm poprad fei tuke sk

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