Re: [gnet-dev] gnet-win32 message callback

--On Monday, May 07, 2001 6:27 PM -0400 Andrew J Lanoix <alanoix umich edu> wrote:

> about the 20 sockets limit:
> The problem is that winsock2 runs out of buffer space.
> I went into gnet_tcp_socket_server_new2() and added a WSAGetLastError()
> after the listen(), it returns WSAENOBUFS.  I changed the listen
> backlog to two and then i didnt get a no buffer error.  This is in
> win98.
> Possibly the gnet_tcp_socket_server_new() needs a backlog arguement,
> rather than just the hardcoded 10.

This is probably the problem you are encountering and its solution. (Bug in Windows)


PS. I have not convinced David if we should let people change the backlog value. Picking a number is kind of a black art anyway.

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