Re: [gnet] Re: Prototype of g_io_channel_write() and gnet_iochennel_writen()

David Helder <dhelder umich edu> writes: 
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but adding const's shouldn't break binaries or
> compiles.

It can lead to issues such as one developer getting errors and
another not, when they are using different library versions.
Which is bad if e.g. people are using -Werror or C++.

For example, if I test my C++ app with the fixed lib, but not the old
version, then users with the old version may not be able to compile
it. And it would be pretty hard to debug, and a gratuitous forced

It's just not worth changing API in stable. It's better to have a
slightly suboptimal API that is a fixed, known quantity.


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