[gnet] Re: Bug in gnet_io_channel_readn()?

Yes, that's a bug.  Thanks!


On Mon, 9 Apr 2001 wolfgang borgert exgate tek com wrote:
> we believe, that we have found an error in the function
> gnet_io_channel_readn() that lead to data loss.  If you received less
> bytes than expected the function overwrote the first bytes of the buffer
> pointer buf again and again without moving buf forward.  Instead the
> pointer ptr (otherwise unused) has been moved forward.  We have removed ptr
> and use buf only - this works fine for us.  Please keep us informed,
> whether you think we're right, whether you will apply the patch, and
> when a new version of GNet will be released.
> Many thanks in advance.  Best regards,

      __          _    __  David Helder - University of Michigan
  ___/ /__ __  __(_)__/ /  dhelder umich edu
 / _  / _ `/ |/ / / _  /   http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~dhelder
 |_,_/|_,_/|___/_/|_,_/    Jungle Monkey: http://www.junglemonkey.net

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