Re: [glade--]How to connect object 1 signal to object 2 slot?

Thomas Hansen wrote:

I'm new to gtk+, gtkmm and glade. I am trying to connect a signal (changed) from a GtkCombo to a signal handler (on_combo_changed()) from a GtkEntry derived object. It doesn't seem to be a complicated task if not using glade: I would use on my main window constructor:

m_combo1.signal_clicked().connect( SigC::slot(m_entry1, &My_Entry::on_combo_changed));

, where My_Entry is the class that inherits GktEntry), but I wasn't able to find a simple way to do this in glade (appart from editing the _glade files).

So, how can I do this? Am I so mad about trying this connection :)?

Try to specify m_entry1 as the object for the signal (sounds logical, doesn't it?). If both objects live within the same class and this gives an error, this is a glade-- bug.


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