Re: [glade--]Glademm & Redhat 7.1

Karl Wyant schrieb:
I am having difficulties getting glademm to run under redhat 7.1. Does anyobdy have this combination working? Just hearing of 1 success case would give me the hope to continue. I am currently getting the following error when I try to make a project or run make check on glademm for that matter.

make check
seems that autotools from time to time still present unknown areas to me

set ACLOCAL_FLAGS to include "-I $prefix/share/aclocal"

Any help would be appreciated. If there is a specific redhat 7.1 gotchas file somewhere, I would very much appreciate a nudge in that direction.

Can you give me more details? I'd love to see glademm supported on any platform. Is it a g++-3.x issue? Is it a missing gtkmm-devel package?


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