[glade--]code-generation from glademm

Hello list,

I'm a newbie to glade and glademm and to c++. I'm a little confused
about the "automatically generated c++ code" by glade.

I use the glade-tool in conjunction with the anjuta-"IDE", creating a plain
gtkmm-project with a main window and some controls on it by glade and doing
source code generation by glade I obtain things like this:

class wndMain_glade : public Gtk::Window

In the constructor of this class all my custom controls are created.
Next is :

class wndMain : public wndMain_glade
        friend class wndMain_glade;
        void on_mnuitmLogin_activate();
        void on_mnuitmExit_activate();  

The comment generated by glade tells me to customize this class, okay. But now
my question: How can I retrieve controls on my window, f.i. a menubar1?
I don't think that wndMain.menubar1 or instance_of_wndMain.menubar1 works? 
Why are these controls not declared as attributes/properties in the
It seems to me that I have to declare globals for that, or does anybody have 
an idea for work around the access to controls lying on the wndMain from the wndMain-class.


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