Re: [gedit-list] GEdit inline spelling and GtkSpell

Hi Evan,

> I noticed in a GNOME announcement that GEdit had support for inline
> spell checking.  I'm interested in spell checking, so I looked at the
> GEdit code, and I was a little surprised to find that GEdit had
> copied[1] the code from my project[2] verbatim.

yep, this is true. But as you can notice, differently by your project it
does not use directly aspell but a spell checker class I have written
(this one uses aspell).

> Don't get me wrong-- this is perfectly fine, legally, and I'm not upset
> with you, but from a technical standpoint I'm a little confused.
> The primary reason GtkSpell is distributed as a library is so when bugs
> are fixed in GtkSpell, the fixes work in all other projects that use
> GtkSpell (including Gaim and Pan, among others).  Now, if I fix a bug in
> GtkSpell (or extend it, for example to languages not covered by aspell),
> the problem remains in GEdit, and it becomes more difficult to keep
> track of which versions are where.

You are completely right, in fact when I started working on it I sent
you a mail (read the thread
But, due to what I thought was a lack of interest and time we didn't
start to cooperate.
Please, note also that gedit cannot depend on libs that are not in the
gnome development platform  since it is a core app.

> For example, I notice you've even had a bug reported[3] which has since
> been fixed in GtkSpell.
> So:  Is there something I could do to make GEdit and GtkSpell cooperate?
> I'm happy to extend the API in whichever way you need, but I need to
> hear from you because it suits my needs[4] just fine.  :)

As I already said I think we should cooperate and try to propose a more
complete solution to be included in gnome 2.4 libs.

To do this we should try to merge our work (it should be very easy) in
the way I proposed in the mail I sent you in September.

Lemme know what do you think.


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