Re: [gedit-list] Converting encodings

Paolo Maggi wrote:
Any suggestions on how to convert text files to UTF8 such that they continue to work correctly with gedit? It is almost as though gedit caches the encoding of files it has previously opened.

Yes, as you said, gedit caches the encoding of files it has previously
opened. You could easily solve your problem setting the encoding of the file to
UTF-8 while opening the file (you can do it in the open file dialog).

Lemme know if my suggestion does not solve your problem.


Works great, thanks.

I have been using gedit for years, and I had never seen (or used) the file->open dialog! I always "gedit FILE" from the command line. According to "gedit --help" there is no way to specify the encoding on the command line... would that be a worthy feature request?

Thanks again.



 Jon Lapham  <lapham extracta com br>          Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
 Work: Extracta Moléculas Naturais SA

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