
	Ok, that worked, I've used isolat1ToUTF8 to do that.
	Thanks a lot,

Hi Alex,

On Thu, 2004-02-12 at 18:05, Alex Barros wrote: 
> 	I am trying to use the gdome_di_saveDocToFileEnc with the
> encoding. My data does have western european chars, like ö and ä. When

> I run my app, I get an "output conversion failed due to conv error" 
> and it doesn't save my file.Am I doing something wrong ? Can someone 
> give me a hint ?

please bear in mind that any string communicated to/from gdome2 must
be/is encoded in utf8. This is the same choice done for libxml2. I
suspect you've created a string of ISO8859-1 characters, and since this
is an 8-bit encoding you've just passed that string to gdome2.  

If my guess is wrong try to post a small code fragment that we can run.


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