Re: [gdome]Xinclude support

On Sat, Feb 22, 2003 at 11:07:12AM +0100, Luca Padovani wrote:
> Gdome2 users,
> xinclude support in libxml2 has been added some time ago, and although I
> haven't had the change of trying it, I think it is in a pretty usable
> shape, and Daniel is typically very reactive in case of bugs.

  I made a number of fix which are not released outside of CVS yet
based on XInclude W3C/NIST regression tests. At this point I think
the implementation is conformant to the spec.

> I was thinking of adding Xinclude support in Gdome2, and the best way of
> doing this. As far as I understand libxml2 API, it is just a matter of
> invoking the xmlXIncludeProcess on an XML document in order to
> substitute the xinclude elements with the corresponding referenced
> documents.

  Right, there is only a single function call in this API. I will
also allow this as a switch at the parser level once XInclude becomes
a W3C Recommendation.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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