Re: [gdome]EventListener "priv" field

On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Luca Padovani wrote:
> [...]
> after some struggling with the Ocaml binding for Gdome2 we realized that
> not only the "deprecated" field priv in an EventListener is necessary, but
> also that it is not enough in general. [...]
> One possible way to do this would be to allow not only storing the
> "priv" field, but also a callback function that would be called just
> before the EventListener is destroyed when its ref counter reaches 0.
> [...]
> We also understand that this would not be compliant to
> the standard, but as an extension it doesn't affect anything else in the
> API.
> Concretely, the proposal is to have a separate constructor method for
> EventListener that takes both the priv field and also the callback
> function, which would make the API backward compatible.

I agree with you and I consider this a good extesion for the library
features list. It could be also useful an example that explain a good way
to use it.
> In case nobody objects, I volunteer for doing the required modfications
> (very few actually).

Paolo Casarini - casarini cs unibo it

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