Re: [gdome]XPath and HTML DOM fix

On Tue, 7 May 2002, T.J. Mather wrote:

> A couple weeks ago I checked in a couple of changes to CVS.  Here's the 
> ChangeLog:
> [...] 
> The first change was required to make the Perl module XML::GDOME::XSLT 
> work properly, so it would be great if we could get another release out.
> (I've been getting bug reports because people are using the 0.7.1 release)

In the next few days I'll work to the Tobias proposal for
gdome_di_saveDocToMemory and to the bug in the gdome_xml_n_removeChild
(w.r.t. firing events) and then I'll release a new gdome2 version.

I'd like also to resolve a compiling problem under Win32 due to, as I
remember, the declaration of the virtual tables as costant in any
interface header without using the "extern" modifier. Does somebody with
Win32 compilation skills can help me (Tobias?).

Paolo Casarini - casarini cs unibo it

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