Re: [gdome]good work and some glib2 issues

Am Mon, 2002-06-24 um 14.32 schrieb Luca Padovani:
> > I think it's time to move to glib2,
> I think so too, the only thing I'm worried about is that glib2 is still
> not so widely used, especially in stable distributions (see redhat 7.3 and
> debian). It would be a mistake to commit the whole gdome2 to a non-stable
> dependency right now, as it would prevent people to update their binaries
> unless they install unstable packages.
> If you think it's possible to use just a few #ifdefs here and there, thus
> retaining compatibility with glib1.2, then I would do so, and I would ship
> binary distributions with the old glib1.2 dependency, giving users the
> possibility to recompile gdome2 using glib2 if they want to do so.
> luca

This is why i also fixed parallel installation.
the glib1.2 build builds libgdome and uses /usr/include/libgdome
the glib2 build builds libgdome-1.0 and uses /usr/include/libgdome-1.0


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