Re: [gdome]reference counting

On Tue, 11 Jun 2002, Chaoron wrote:

> Hi developers!
> I think I found a serious reference counting bug. Let me explain in the 
> following example:

it would be very useful if you could provide the actual source code that
causes the problem (and please remember to use the last version of gdome
to test it).

> On the other hand the current reference counting mechanism gives
> programmers lot of work to debug and fix leaks in programs and nearly 
> doubles the code.

welcome to the C programming language. There are also several bindings for
C++, Ruby, Perl, Ocaml where reference counting is hidden by some garbage
collection mechanism or with smart pointers. Check the gdome home page for
links to the projects.

> Please support and use pkg-config style configuration for libxml2 and
> glib-2. I will send you some patches for the build environment.

Isn't it the way it's done? Any clarification is greatly appreciated.

Thank for spending time with Gdome2,


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