[gdome]State of my work 6/3/2001

Interfaces Completed:
NamedNodeMap, NodeList, Element, DocumentFragment

Interfaces updated and modified nearly complete:
Node: all methods are implemented except for "normalize" and "isSupported"
Attr: all methods are implemented except for "specified"
Document: all methods are implemented except for "importNode"

Interfaces updated and modified
DOMImplemetation: Added load/save document and implemented
                  "createDocument" method

Next tasks:
- Modify some Node methods to work fine with DocumentFragment Node
  (appendChild, insertBefore, ...)
- Add a freeDocument method to DOMImplementation interface to destroy the
  libxml tree
- Update or Modify all fundamental interfaces

Does somebody want that gdome-xml-element-nnodem.[ch] still stay in cvs
tree? Now it's useless because the generic versione gdome-xml-nnodem works

Paolo Casarini - casarini cs unibo it

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