Re: [gdome] stable release location

Dans un courrier daté du 14/01/2000 19:33:19 Paris, Madrid, 
babior acceleratetv com a écrit :

>  Hi -
>  I know you're currently working on implementing DOM2.  I
>  was wondering if there was a stable release of gdome w/
>  the DOM1 implementation that I could check out.

nothing stable yet. source is in gnome's cvs tree under the gdome module.

However, I am _trying_ to oblige Raph to release gdome asap: expect this to 
happen in 3 weeks at most (before Paris' Linux Expo). I am currently fleshing 
bugs out, cleaning stuff... 

DOM2 support will be very limited: only events.
The rest is DOM1 Core compliant.

>  Thanks - Greg.


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