Re: [gdm-list] Need help running a password reset program during and after login

With your help, I easily got my program to run alongside gdmlogin. Thank you!

I figured out some hacks to do the rest of what I wanted (described below) and thought I should post them just in case someone else wanted to do this (let me know if there's a better/easier way to do this):

1. add a line to execute your script to the beginning of /etc/X11/gdm/Init/:0. your  script must fork (ie 'myscript &' ) because gdmlogin won't start until your script     returns

2. your script should execute a window manager (kwin, for kde, twm, mwm,        etc...) again be sure to fork
    -this will run a real window manager (decorations, moveable windows, etc...)    which you'll need to navigate more than one window during login
    -this will load a window manager before gdmlogin is able to load its window   manager (thats why you load your wm dur ing the first line of gdm's init script)

3. comment out all the code in the function gdm_server_whack_clients () found in daemon/server.c of the gdm source code & recompile
    -this will enable your program to continue to run after login, until the user logs  out

4. add 'killall kwin' (substitute your window manager) to the beginning of              /etc/X11/gdm/PreSession/Default to kill the window manager, before anything     else is done. the user's desktop environment will then be able to load the             user's regular window manager (otherwise the user will be using kwin running     under the 'gdm' user and all their preferences will be lost, etc...)

Thank you for your help!


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