Userlist double click

Hello there,

I'm using GDM Greeter (from gdm-, with a user list at the
screen. But when I double click any user on the list, it doesn't shows
the password entry box immediately. It shows the username entry box
again, empty.

If I double click again the desired username on the list, than it shows
the password entry box. I enter the correct password and log into GNOME.

Looking at the code, at 'greeter_item_ulist.c', the function
'row_activated' handles the double clicking at the user list (so it
seems to me).
I changed the line:

'printf ("%c%c%c%s\n", STX, BEL, GDM_INTERRUPT_SELECT_USER, login);'


'printf ("%c%c%s\n", STX, GDM_INTERRUPT_SELECT_USER, login);'

which solved the problem of the double click. But introduced a new
problem, the password entry box doesn't find the password correctly.

The BEL constant just makes GDM to beep when the double click occurs.

So far as I understand this is the GDM protocol whith the daemon and the
greeter client, right? Is it necessary to GDM to beep to validate the
user name?

So, what I need to change this behaviour? (The double double click)
Plus, how to make GDM comes back to prompt the username when the user
press the ESC at the password entry box?

Thanks for the attention,

Adriano Del Vigna de Almeida <katmandu fs inf br>

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