Passwordless login


My girlfriend has asked me to ask you if there's any chance that she
wouldn't have to enter her password to login. Simply setting her
password to an empty string is no good, since she'll still have to press
return and besides, the server is available from the internet, so that's
a no go. As a temporary fix to make her happy, I patched gdm_verify_user
in verify-pam to use /etc/pam.d/gdm-autologin if local == TRUE. This,
however brings on a whole new set of problems. (e.g. logging in as root
without a password is not good). 
Also, not all users might want this. I'm quite comfortable having to
enter my password when I login on the same machine, so this has to be
user configurable.
Any brilliant ideas? I'm thinking that the existence of a semaphore file
in $HOME/.gnome2/ will make gdm use gdm-autologin, but we don't know the
username and hence the $HOME until after we've created the pam_handle,
do we?

Salu2, Søren.

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