Re: Forcing an user to only one window manager

On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 14:02, pedro noticioso wrote:
> I am in need to limiting an user to only one window
> manager and came up with this little script to
> hopefully add to all files in Sessions directory
> #!/bin/sh
>    if [ "$USER" = "john" ]; then
>        exec /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession qvwm
>    ELSE
>        exec /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession IceWM
>    fi
>    So all users may be able to choose whatever they
> want but john is forced onto qvwm

I don't see how you can prevent a certain user from using any window
manager unless you don't give them permissions for the binaries of the
other managers, because even if you force a user to use XXXwm when they
start their X session, they can still kill that particular wm and start
any other one.

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