Re: Remote access to a gdm

On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 04:14:27PM +1100, ivan wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> Can anyone tell if this is possible to do with GDM. I have a class of 
> Linux boxes  and a new powerful Linux server 
> with lots of memory and disk space. I want my users to be able to choose 
> between logging into local machine or directly to the remote machine.
> All machines are RedHat 7.2. Regarding of any options in gdm.conf, the 
> chooser will not show up at the login prompt, should it really???

The chooser doesn't really show up when gdm runs the X server.  What you can
do is this:

In gdm.conf, in the [xdmcp] section, do these modifications:


in the [chooser] section, do this modification (assuming the server is called


You can then comment out any servers in the [servers] section.

Now you have to start X for an indirect connection.  You could add this
to your startup scripts (assuming I wrote this correctly):

( while :; do 
  /usr/bin/X11/X -indirect localhost
  sleep 10
  done ) &

Or something similar.  The line that really does all the work is the

/usr/bin/X11/X -indirect localhost

one.   That starts an X server and queries the local host.

I plan to implement this last step inside of gdm, but for now this isn't done
yet, so you have to use the above kluge.


George <jirka 5z com>
   Originality is undetected plagiarism.
                       -- Dean W. R. Inge

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