Re: Restart machine after setting mandatory attributes.

On Fri, 2004-01-30 at 07:37, Hemanth Yamijala wrote:
> Is a restart expected for mandatory attributes to take effect.

Yes, you have to restart all gconfd if you use --direct, because gconfd
can't detect external changes. To do so it would have to store the full
contents of all files, using many megabytes, and run a diff/delta
algorithm when one of the files changes.

>  Is
> there
> any other command I can use to refresh the settings without a restart.
> Or is there anything less severe than restart of the server
> that can be tried. I tried to look in the documentation of gconf but
> could
> not find any details on this.

The good news is that "killall gconfd-2" should not have any negative
consequences at all, as far as I know.


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